Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tokyo to Paris

Mmmm blogging whilst on holiday was more of a chore than i thought it would be.... but there's so many great pics, now that i'm back in Sydney i still want to share it. 

Meeting some locals, who wanted to show off their art.

The train system was a challenge, but quick, efficient and surprisingly simple to work out. We used it a lot to maximise our short stopover. 

Tokyo seems like dozens of little cities rather than suburbs around one main city area, vast! It's easier to catch the train somewhere then let the walking begin. We had a lovely walk from Harajuku to Shibuya. Constantly surrounded by hundreds of people you are never short of something or someone interesting to look at.

Best noodle bar in Shibuya

 Tokyo went by too fast, and can't wait to go back and do it properly. 

Travelling in Tokyo Tip # Beware of walking round train stations in peak hour! My husband and i got separated at Tokyo Station on the way to our plane. There was a flood of people exiting platforms, and when you are pulling luggage, a stroller and a 5 yr old - there's no room for error. Brad on his own, and me with Remi; we then discovered there's 3 different trains to the Airport, all varying in speed. We managed to meet up at the Airport train station an hour and half later after Remi and I quickly got on a slow train to the airport, and Brad managed to accidentally travel to the other side of Tokyo in the opposite direction from the airport, but then with the help of an American GI living in Tokyo he got on a super speedy train that arrived 10 minutes after me! We got to our plane as they were boarding, thanks Air France for being so helpful and escorting us to our gate. 

The Bastille in Paris was a welcome sight after an 11 hour flight. Arriving as the sun set, walking up 5 flights of stairs to our apartment was a pleasure and a gorgeous view awaited us from our balcony. 

 We booked this great apartment (Appartement Folie Mericourt) through Cross Pollinate who have apartments and B&Bs all over europe. Travelling with kids Tip# stretch the budget to get kids their own bedroom, Remi slept like a dream when she had her own room. I think it seemed more like home.