Friday, March 26, 2010

Great Day Out at Mathilda's

Mathilda's Market holds a special place in my heart as it was my first market,
and a year later we are uniting once again. There is soooo much great design and
just lovely stuff there it's well worth checking out!

Little Birdy

Customers have loved this in chocolate, now i've got duck egg and waiting in the wings i have deep red and gold! I love it so much i'm going to make a couple of hand stitched lampshades too. I'm eagerly awaiting the new range of fabric to come out of the Ink and Spindle studio so i can get busy with it. My fingers are twitching....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Neutral, Natural and getting in the Mix

What a bad blogger i am, too long between updates..... but i've been busy searching for new fabulous fabrics and found some. I came across a stack of discontinued and remnants which i'm having so much fun creating new cushions with and here's a taste. I decided to break up this lovely red rose cotton linen with some natural cotton linen and so happy with the outcome. 

Busy making up some natural cotton linen cushions in different sizes too. Think they'll look great in a mix of colour and pattern on a lounge. They have my signature hand quilting too in a similar tone so it's oh so subtle.